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about me
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il filo del discorso

        the thread of the conversation


about me

My name is Filippo Bertoni, and I usually go by Filo. Working across academic disciplines for more than 10 years, I specialized in studying and practicing transdisciplinary research. Over many collaborations, I developed skills to successfully navigate transdisciplinary work. Putting them to use in my own research, I published in a vast range of fields and formats - not only in the social sciences and humanities (anthropology, geography, and the social studies of science), but also in the natural sciences (environmental sciences and especially microbial ecology) as well as further beyond disciplinary divides, in artistic collaborations, science-fiction writing, and other engagements with the general public.

In the process, I realised I have a talent for helping others find the thread of their own stories as well, and I learned to extricate them from the knots that form as we venture away from bounded disciplines. As the many students, colleagues, scholars, and researchers I already helped can testify, this talent can really make a difference – as the threads I help unravel offer a guide in the labyrinth of contemporary knowledge-making. 

Below, you can learn more about me and my work, and read some testimonials, as well as my curriculum vitae.

The cover of my dissertation
The cover of the Living with omega 3 article
The first page of Compost Politics
The cover of Encyclopedia of Ecology
The first page of an article on JoE
The cover of Sage Handbook of Nature
The cover of an article on Frontiers
The cover of the ISME journal issue
The cover of Science as Culture, with an image from Hooke's Micrographia
The cover of the volume
The first page of the PlosONE article
The cover of Nature plants issue

Navigate through the cover images to the left to explore a sample of my publications. By clicking on them you can open the links in another tab.


Also, visit, a website I helped design.



Thanks to my experience in supervising graduate students, I can help you contextualise your work within broader fields and beyond. In addition, I can help shaping your argument and trajectory, sharpening the intervention you want your research to make!


I can help you give shape to research ideas you kept in your drawer, respond to reviewer comments for a successful resubmission, or reach a broader audience by publishing in less specialistic journals. Thanks to my experience in the natural and environmental sciences, I am especially well-suited for research that grows at the intersection of nature and society.

clients & testimonials

"Filo offered feedback on my dissertation proposal to qualify as a PhD candidate. As my research moves between different fields, Filo advised me to refrain from hiding their incommesurabilities, as well as to include attentive writing as part of my methodological approach. This is helping me conceptualise and write a sharper and humbler dissertation."

Ana Abril

"Having collaborated with Filippo in the writing of a paper for a high-profile journal, I was pleasantly impressed by his ability to communicate complex scientific ideas and concepts through a simple, unique, and effective writing style."

Stefano Mammola


Working in research groups that exceeded one disciplinary approach, I developed my competencies in how to design, manage, and develop transdisciplinary projects. From conceptualisation and design, to problem solving and transdisciplinary diplomacy, I can help ensuring your project is successful!

"Filo's assistance in developing the proposal for the project I now work on was instrumental to its success. Filo displays an impressive command of academic literature in a series of fields and a real gift for engaging, vivid, and clear writing. They are also a kind person full of enthusiasm, which makes working with them a pleasure."

Nikolaos Olma

and more...

Transdisciplinarity, clearly, is not limited to academic research and work. I have been lucky enough to join researchers and practitioners also in the arts and in other less disciplinary spheres like fiction writing and poetry.

These experiences allowed me to reach beyond academic work, to also reach for different audiences, as well as different media. If you work in the arts, or if you would like to reach less disciplined spaces, I am happy to help you find your way!

"Filo's editing, both in terms of scientific accuracy and of language, of the 'Game of Kin' card set and the game instructions was decisive for us to finalise the game design."

Collective Laboratorio de Pensamiento Lúdico



short curriculum vitae


Musem für Naturkunde Berlin


Aarhus University


Universiteit van Amsterdam


SOAS, London


Universitá di Bologna

Post-doctoral research in the project "Animals as Objects", with Prof. Dr. Tahani Nadim and Dr. Ina Heumann.

Post-doctoral researcher in the project "AURA: Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene", with Prof. Dr. Anna Tsing.

Doctoral thesis in anthropology of science, in the project "Eating Bodies", with

Prof. Dr. Annemarie Mol.

"Living with worms: on the earthly togetherness of eating", cum laude.

Masters in Anthropology of Media, with

Dr. Christopher Davies.

"Microbial stanzas of entanglement and isolation: knowledge making in freshwater biology", cum laude.

Bachelors in Cultural Anthropology, with Prof. Dr. Ivo Quaranta.

"Speranze: una quasi-etnografia della crisi", cum laude.

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