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words are my matter

                          U.K.Le Guin



Thanks to my diverse experience, I can offer a variety of services in editing and publishing more broadly. I can help with academic writing in (and beyond) the natural and social sciences, as well as with other media and formats for outreach, from websites to high-profile journals, special issues and books.

Aside from the simpler line and copy-editing services, though, my specialty lies in developmental editing: this type of editorial help focuses on providing substantive feedback on the bigger picture in order to help you develop your project, text, and thoughts early on. Usually, developmental editors offer critique on structural elements like plot, narrative flow, organization of ideas, and themes. My own version of this service, transdisciplinary developmental editing, does not only relate to the text itself, but extends also to its impact, position, and reception across disciplinary boundaries.

As I learned to skillfully navigate these transdisciplinary spaces, I will make sure your texts or projects effectively carry across disciplinary boundaries by making your arguments clearer and sharper.

At times, transdisciplinary work also involves the conceptualization and development of collaborations, as well as the design of novel outcomes, like websites, databases, or other innovative projects. To address these broader needs of transdisciplinarity, then, my services also take the form of training, coaching and tutoring: just like developmental editing, these services focus on providing feedback that goes beyond the form and content of the text to include also its impact and reception. They can extend to transdisciplinary facilitations and design sessions with a bigger group (for instance a research project with more participants, or a class).

Given the diversity of my clients, my services are tailored to the different and specific needs of each project. In our free orientation session - possible both online and in person in my office in Amsterdam, we will discuss your needs and figure out how best to take care of your transdisciplinary worries and dreams.


Thanks to a sliding scale approach, the quote I will provide after this first encounter varies not only according to the kind of work needed, but also to your income – so as to help students and the many knowledge workers who live in more precarious conditions.

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